10 Ways To Control Pollution
· Use recyclable water bottles, not disposable.
· Don’t wash your car on road which leads up to private house, wash it on the lawn.
· Discard of dangerous chemicals properly.
· Recycle used motor oil.
· Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
· Reduce motor vehicles, emits poisnous gases.
· Use insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers, as well as other lawn and garden chemicals, sparingly.
· Start embower.
· Soil test before you fertilize.
· Don’t sweep dirt and fertilizer from sidewalks into drains.
Pollution Is Our Problem
Pollution prevention is a major global concern because of its harmful effects on people’s health and the environment. Because we are all inhabitants on Earth, everyone is a stakeholder, and every person has something to contribute to advance effective pollution prevention and awareness. Environmental protection is a natural extension of caring for ourselves, loving our children, and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
There Are More Different Ways To Prevent Pollution
Stop Smoking
· Stop smoking or don’t throw your butts on the ground. Cigarette butts are not biodegradable and contain extremely toxic soluble chemicals. One butt thrown on the ground can remain for up to 25 years, leaking chemicals like arsenic, ammonia, acetone, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, lead, and toluene into the environment.
Avoid Disrupting the Ecosystem
· Get rid of your lawn: Plant bee-friendly, drought-tolerant, native plants instead.
· Plant more trees. They clear the air, provide oxygen, and beautify your surroundings.
· Say a big “NO” to pesticides and GMOs(genetically modified organisms).